Monday, December 20, 2010


We lost our 5 year old Chocolate Lab this weekend, and although not nearing the feelings associated with losing a loved one, losing Kallie feels like a swift kick in the gut. My biggest regret is never taking her hiking with me. I had planned to, I even purchased a pack for her, but we never got that chance.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hiking and Life

Sorry for being gone for so long, I go through phases where I post often...then I go through phases where I post not so often. I just wanted to give an update and catch you up on where I am.

It is spring, how do I know you ask...well let me explain; the temperatures lately have been in the 60's and 70's (°F, of course), beautiful weather for hiking--no extraordinary weather for hiking. Alas, we have not been but we are currently planning our next hike.

However, to complicate things my days are filled with two little girls that make my heart sing, a newborn son that makes me so proud and a wife that I absolutely adore.

All and all I feel so blessed by my life, I enjoy every moment and relish every little giggle and smile. We are returning to Nicaragua this summer and I am really looking forward to the mission trip. I will do my best to keep my posts up to date.


Friday, January 22, 2010

New Hire

We needed help at work, so we made a new hire....she is totally the best worker we have! And the cutest!