Here is the question; how do you hike the Appalachian Trail, all 2,175 miles from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine across 14 States reaching a maximum elevation of 6,625 feet without taking 5 to 6 months off of work?
Our answer is to hike sections of the AT each year until the entire trail is complete, called "stage" hiking. My hope is to chronicle the adventures with this blog, mile by mile and trip by trip. The characters are Joe aka "Straight Leg", our support and resupply Pop aka "Bike" aka "Strap", anybody else that joins us on our journeys, and myself Chris aka "Croc".
Hmmm... "Croc." Either an acronym or you thought that the map of the AT on the plaque looked like a crocodile and then everyone made fun of you for the rest of the trip. Not even close, am I?
This is a brilliant idea! Do you have a nickname for me yet? If you don't, I can help you out...just saying...
Kweku, your name has to come on the just has to feel right. You will just have to come hiking with us some more.
Oh Croc you Buddhist Master, you! "Your name has to come on the trail..." Ohm... Ohm... Ohm... Ohm...
Oh wait! NOW I know! "Croc of @*$t!" Is that right? Although it doesn't sound like something your dad would say I feel that Joe is fully capable of giving you that name.
May apologies queen of the blogging comments, my words I chose...poorly
and I can't spell either! (many)
Oh Buddhist Master Croc, will you ever reveal the origin of your name? How it came to be on the trail? How it just felt right?
Patience, young grasshopper queen.
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