There is something majestic about the mountains, something that sings to your soul and exposes the beauty surrounding us every day. How many times have you walked out into your back yard and ignored the beautiful tree standing right there? Why, when the tree grows upon a mountain, does it suddenly become beautiful? I know that I am guilty of not taking the time to look around and appreciate the wonderful world around me...
On the trail, where time melts away into irrelevance, I take the time to observe and many times it amazes me--what I miss throughout my everyday life. There are no other distractions, no computers, no televisions, no cell phones--I can fully and wholly focus upon the world and people around me. That is why I especially enjoy hiking with my family...it is a great opportunity for me to focus on them.

We all have places that help us to just stop, be still, and contemplate...for my wife that place is the ocean. She loves to hear the waves crashing on the beach, the shifting sand tickling her toes, and the sun's warmth embracing her. Not the crowded vacation beach--the isolated, have it all to yourself, nobody but us in sight beach.

Meghann and I recently had the opportunity to visit the beach, just the two of us, it was a very healing time. This picture makes me realize a few things; my wife is absolutely gorgeous, I love being at the beach with my wife, and my cell phone takes very poor quality pictures.
Hmmm...sounds like someone has been reading Peter Kreeft's writings...
that picture doesn't even look like me.
but I love your post. :)
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