Monday, January 26, 2009

Sassafrass Mt to Slaughter Creek: Mile 11 - 27

Ok, so I am back...yes I know that I took off almost a month and it has been almost two months since I blogged about the hike so to refresh the first day check out Mile 0 - 11.

During the night on top of Sassafrass Mt. the winds began to pick I don't mean the "this is a refreshing breeze", I mean the "holy cow are we going to be blown off this mountain" type of wind.

Does Straight Leg look Cold? Did I mention that it turned really cold?

When we broke camp it was cold and blowing so hard it felt like the tent was about to take flight, so we decided to pack up and head down the trail to find a more sheltered place to eat breakfast. Once we wrestled our kite tent into the pack we hot footed it to Justus Creek for breakfast.

Into the Blood Mountain Wilderness, after a quick rest at Woody Gap.

The day's hike was fairly uneventful although there were plenty of nice views, we met Bike at Woody Gap (he brought us Dr. Peppers), and hiked pretty hard and fast...too hard and fast.

When we made it to Slaughter Creek it was about 36 degrees and the wind still felt like a tornado in a trailer park. We cooked dinner, watched the sunset, and went to bed.

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