We broke camp at Deep Gap Shelter, after the first night on the trail that we were actually warm...maybe too warm, but never the less we were loving the pleasant change in temperature.
On our way back to the AT I found a single croc, just the right size, and for my left foot...weird. So I put it on and put mine back in my bag.

From there we hiked down to meet Bike at Dicks Creek Gap where he joined us and hiked for about and hour or so. At Dick's Creek Gap I tried to change into my running shoes but less than a quarter mile up the trail I knew that was not going to work -- so I went back to my croc. Thus,
my trail name.
After almost 6 days of hiking (technically closer to 5 and a half) we finally made it to the GA/NC state line (75 miles from Springer Mountain)...aaannddd we begin the next state.
The state line is marked on a tree along the trail with a wooden sign, Straight Leg almost walked right past without noticing...no welcome to North Carolina sign? What kind of state is this?

By the way, if at any point you think, "I think Straight Leg and Croc are wearing the same outfit that they did yesterday". Just know that it is not in fact an optical illusion, we probably are wearing the same clothes.
Shortly after crossing the state line into North Carolina we found out what kind of state it was, we almost immediately started a brutal climb up Sharp Top. It was easily the steepest climb we have done on the AT to date, and if you climb Sharp Top make sure and catch your breath at the top because very shortly after completing Sharp Top you start climbing up Courthouse Bald!

On the way down Courthouse Bald heading for the Muskrat Creek Shelter, we came across a hunting dog who followed us to camp. Once at the shelter we met back up with the hiker from the Blue Mountain Shelter, ate a hardy meal, and went to bed happy knowing it was our last night on the trail.