So after a hot shower, some sight seeing, a warm meal, and great conversation with Bike we headed off to dreamland in our nice warm it was nice compared to the night before. In the morning Bike cooked up some bacon and eggs with grits for breakfast, it tasted so good that it was almost the end of the hike right there -- well, not really.
Bike drove us back to Hogpen Gap where the temperature had warmed up to 27 and it was still slightly windy. Our warm breakfast was quickly becoming only a memory except for the fullness in our bellies. Straight Leg had iced down his knee really well the night before and the day started off ok with little discomfort in his knee...that would change for both of us.
For lunch we stopped along an old logging road (a section of the trail travels along an old logging road for several miles), Straight leg had been walking with one leg straight for miles. Protected from the wind the warm sunlight felt good, but it was here that I realized my heel was starting to bother me.
The remainder of the day was fairly uneventful and it was strange we had seen such little wildlife along the way so far. That is except for the acorns the squirrel so thoughtfully deposited into my shoe at Slaughter Creek.
We made it to the Blue Mountain Shelter (the shelter was very nice and well done) around 3:30 pm which gave us plenty of time to gather firewood and set up for the night. The temperatures improved greatly and the wind died down quite a bit. We built a very nice fire (our first of the hike) and ate a filling dinner. Later that evening another hiker showed up at the shelter, it was nice to have the company and conversation.
After we got in our bags for the night we heard a loud meow and a cat showed up. He evidently frequents the shelter and kept us entertained for a while.
1 comment:
Obtain and pick some good points from you and it aids me to solve a problem, thanks.
- Henry
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