I asked the team members to submit stories that were particularly touching to them during the trip for inclusion as a guest post. Today I would like to tell Cheryl's story in her own words. As I mentioned before Cheryl has such a big heart. During our time in Nicaragua Cheryl never missed an opportunity to hug a child or hand out a meal. Cheryl echoed what I think the entire team feels "I have tons of stories", the more we think about the experience the more we remember. The following is a portion of Cheryl's story and two experiences that stood out to Cheryl:
"In my heart I have a strong desire and calling for Missions. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go to Nicaragua due to work obligations. The team was leaving on the 31st, which is a very critical time in my line of work. I began to pray and ask God to make a way so that I could be a part of this trip even if it meant traveling by myself. I knew I could have my work completed and prepare to leave on the 2nd of August...when I began to check flights, the price was more than doubled by my leaving two days later. I searched and searched multiple airlines, travel companys and various airports...all extremely out of our family budgeted allowance. I began to pray and plead with God, 'If I am to go, please find an airline ticket we can afford' the very next click, I found an airline ticket leaving from Washington and only $60 more than the team's. Praise God! I was going to Nicaragua."
"God revealed so much to me during my time in Nicaragua, I was reminded to love one another just as Jesus did, to give thanks and to trust... I witnessed countless times, where we would pray for a specific person or where God would lead us and He would speak to us in ways I've never experienced. Indescribable! God is working in a mighty way in Nicaragua, they are truly experiencing a revival widespread! I consider myself blessed and privileged to have been a part of this experience, even if for only one week...it's a week I will never forget and will always cherish."
"The Nicaraguan children, my heart is with each child I came in contact with. I loved each and every one of them! I have made a personal commitment to pray for these children and their parents daily. I pray that people will be called out to join us in future trips so they too can be a part of this life changing opportunity."
"I'm prepared to return and praying God will allow me to have the time off from work and the finances to make it possible to go back."
"We were at a feeding program, I sat down beside this little boy and began to talk to him. I was asking how old he was, did he live nearby and so on. He told me he had walked a long way carrying his chair, the chair we were seated in. This sweet little boy offered to walk back to his house to get another chair and I could take his. Through the help of our translator Miller, I said I would happy to share and sit with him if that was okay. I began to think how selfless this little boy was to give his chair to me. A child that had walked a few miles for possibly the only meal he'd have that day. This day, mi amigo, reminded me we are to be selfless and always willing to give and help others. What an amazing little boy!"

Thank you Cheryl for your heart and your willingness to share these stories.
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