One of the neatest things about the trip was to see the team ditch their social chains and just enjoy serving. The women were not worried about how good their makeup looked (or if they were wearing any at all), no one was worried about the tags on our clothes. We did not care about the minor discomforts and the short cold showers, the heat, the long hours. We were there for a purpose, we had a higher objective. The children, the people, the ministry, they were our focus....they were our priority.
On our first day in Nicaragua we fed at a program where one of the translators, Miller began to ask questions about our faith. We could see the wheels turning in his head, we could see how much he was searching for truth. We began to individually talk with Miller, sharing our hearts and minds and why we follow Jesus and answering Miller's questions about faith. We prayed for Miller, discussed Miller, talked with Miller....and on Monday the 3rd we rejoiced with Miller as he accepted Jesus as his savior. His transformation really served to unite us as a group.
We came together as a team. Prior to the mission few of us knew everyone on the team intimately, but through this process we became very close. We cared for each other, we prayed for each other, we saw in each other a heart for Jesus. We had a common goal, we served a common purpose, we came back from Nicaragua good friends.
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