The largest component of this trip by far was the feeding programs, we fed more than 500 children over the course of the week. In fact the focus of the ministry that we assisted this week is on feeding programs. The ministry is committed to feed more than 5000 children a day (Monday through Friday). This is accomplished by partnering with the village churches, the ministry provides the specially formulated meals and the churches run their respective feeding programs. The meals are formulated to provide each child with the vitamins and minerals that they need , even if they do not get another meal that day (many of them may not get any other meals than those provided by the ministry on a given day).
The children are a very strange mix of street wise and emotionally innocent, they will absolutely touch your heart and ask for your hat and glasses. We all loved the children, we loved caring and feeding them. The Nicaraguan Children have very little yet they are very happy and content, a stark contrast to many children in America. They are not in bondage to their possessions, they do not worry about their things. They do not sit inside all day and play their Nintendo DS, they play soccer or stickball or just run around and have fun. They were amazed that we would travel so far to see them, feed them, and talk with them. I think each one of us was captivated by the children throughout the week…my attention was especially captivated by Maribel. Maribel was a little girl we met at a feeding program on Tuesday. She stood there and talked with me for about 25 to 30 mins and made a real effort to understand me through my broken Spanish.
What I understood from Maribel was that she was nine years old, her little brother was at the feeding program also (I got to meet him) and that she had walked there with her brother from her house a good distance away. Maribel was fascinated by the pictures of my children and wanted to know everything about them, their names, their ages, and why they had la gafas grande (big glasses) on. She was just so sweet, I was immediately drawn to her.
She like the other children was amazed at Morgan’s amarillo (blond) hair.
Cheryl was enamored by a little boy who had carried his seat all the way from his house, then asked Cheryl if she wanted him to go get her one. She asked if it was ok that they shared his. Tomorrow I will have a guest blog from Cheryl telling, in her words, about this little boy.
Chelsea was "attacked" by the children, they loved her and all wanted to hug her at the same time.
John enjoyed teaching the children to play the guitar, the children enjoyed it even more.
This little girl latched onto Jason and would not let him leave. Jason gladly obliged.
It strikes me that the focus of this ministry was also an integral part of Jesus ministry while here on the earth. We have so many examples of Jesus feeding people, and of Jesus caring for children. He had such a great love for children. Over the next few weeks I hope to bring more stories about the children from the other team members.
P.S. On another note -- Happy Birthday Sis!
1 comment:
Amazing. It makes me tear up to see the pictures and the love you gave these precious children while you were there.
Love, "Moppy"
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